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Weathering the Storm

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Writing my book “My Piece of Sky” about my experience of Trauma, Near Death Experiences and Physical Recovery, I have discovered a new interest in resilience and how we can all develop it.


I read a great article about this written by Katie Hurley in 2020, the Resilience Resource Centre where she says;

“Resilience is not a trampoline, where you’re down one moment and up the next. It’s more like climbing a mountain without a trail map. It takes time, strength, and help from people around you, and you’ll likely experience setbacks along the way. But eventually you reach the top and look back at how far you’ve come.”


In life it is inevitable that everyone will have events, traumas and times when your resilience will be sorely tested, so its vital to understand what it is, what can affect it and what you can do to build yourself up to be able to cope with these difficult times before, during and after they happen.

There is a useful way of remembering how we can build inner strength, resilience, known as the 7Cs of model by Ken Ginsberg; competence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control.

But the learning I gained after the accident is hopefully less complicated.

  • Focus on what you can control and not what you can’t.

  • Change your mind-set and search out something that gives your life meaning.

  • Think of others as “acts of human kindness” can be the best way to find purpose and will help you think more positively.

  • Find out all you can and learn techniques to help you in difficult times.

  • Practice self-love and carve out a little time in each day just for you, doing something you enjoy.

  • We are social creatures and need others. The positive connections we have can build our resilience.

  • Accept that no-one can be “strong” all the time and that your trauma is individual to you and no less important than anyone elses.

  • Remember you will have got through bad times before and survived. When you are going down a new path, look back at the way you have come. You have the skills, personal qualities and resources inside yourself, so dig deep!

For more information on Resilience, such as the Types of Resilience, how to Build Resiliency, the Benefits of Resilience and Resources which you can access with regards to Resilience, please click here and please note that our Business Consultancy Organisation, Clarity Change also helps individuals to build up their resilience. We currently offer private sessions through out website with Joanne McConville. To contact Joanne, click here.

Lastly, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up to date with all of our news and updates on events etc.


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